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How Does Telehealth Physical Therapy Work?

Dan Wheeler • January 16, 2023

About The Author

Dan Wheeler

Physical Therapist

I never grew up thinking I was going to be in this role. I never had dreams or ever said it was my goal to be a Physical Therapist, but yet somehow this profession found me. Now, this is not just a job, and it is definitely not about the money. I truly live for this.

If you have stiff joints, mobility issues, loss of range of motion, or other side effects of injury, surgery, or illness, a physical therapist can help. A physical therapist can provide education and instruction that will help restore mobility and range of motion, making everyday tasks and physical activity progressively easier. But what about telehealth physical therapy? You may not have ever heard of telehealth physical therapy, but it is a way for your physical therapist to see you via video stream, provide health assessments and progress reports, and provide instruction when you can’t come into their office in-person. At Strong Oaks Physical Therapy, we have a progressive, inclusive staff that wants to ensure that every patient has access to physical therapy and treatment options, wherever they are. We offer three types of telehealth physical therapy services so that our patients can get assistance when they need it and where they need it. To learn more, just call us at (802) 424-1434.

About Telehealth Services

Telehealth physical therapy services are private, one-on-one video calls with your physical therapist. Your physical therapist can assess your progress, answer questions, and evaluate your symptoms, balance, movement, flexibility, and more. Even though you won’t be meeting in-person, your physical therapist can still assess your health and offer advice, training, education, and resources. For many patients, mobility is an issue, and getting to and from their physical therapist’s office isn’t always feasible. Telehealth appointments allow you to still see your physical therapist even if you can’t make it into the office. 

Our Telehealth Options at Strong Oaks Physical Therapy

At Strong Oaks Physical Therapy, we offer three different telehealth physical therapy solutions for our patients:

  • Telehealth Initial Evaluation (60 minutes) – This is a fully virtual, comprehensive physical therapy evaluation for patients who want the convenience and accessibility of a remote assessment and evaluation before or instead of coming into the office in-person.
  • Telehealth Treatment (30 minutes) – This is ongoing, virtual care and treatment and requires that the patient complete an initial physical therapy evaluation, either in-person or via telehealth. Telehealth treatment includes customized corrective exercise instruction, post-surgical remote monitoring of treatment plan and protocol, extensive education on mobility, and self-applied soft tissue treatments.
  • Telehealth 15 Minute Consultation (15-30 minutes) – This initial consultation is free and is designed to give you the chance to discuss your symptoms, goals, and needs to determine if physical therapy is right for you.

Our Treatment Packages

In addition to telehealth physical therapy, we also offer tiered treatment packages for patients without insurance. We want all patients to have access to our physical therapy and preventative care, and are dedicated to making our services affordable for everyone who needs them. We offer the following treatment packages to our patients: 

  • Physical Therapy Treatment Package – $450 for up to five visits; $850 for up to 10 visits
  • Telehealth Treatment Package – $225 for up to 5 visits; $400 for up to 10 visits 
  • Dry Needling Treatment Package – $175 for up to 5 visits; $300 for up to 10 visits

What is Included in Our Telehealth Physical Therapy Services? 


All of our telehealth physical therapy services include a consultation with our physical therapist, Dr. Dan Wheeler. Your initial evaluation and assessment can be done in-person or via telehealth, and is typically an hour long, comprehensive health evaluation. You can discuss your symptoms, their onset, past health issues and surgeries, medications you take, treatments you’ve tried, what your goals are, and your lifestyle. All of this information will help Dr. Wheeler determine the best course for your treatment. Dr. Wheeler or his staff may ask you for contact information for current and/or past doctors so that they can request copies of your medical records. Dr. Wheeler may ask you to complete some simple, physical movements on camera so that he can assess your gait, balance, posture, flexibility, movement, and range of motion. Our telehealth physical therapy treatment includes ongoing, 30-minute sessions during which you and Dr. Wheeler will go through certain corrective exercises and stretches, as well as discuss your progress, questions, and concerns. You must complete an initial evaluation either in-person or via telehealth before you can schedule ongoing treatment. Finally, we also offer a free 15- to 30-minute initial consultation via telehealth, where you and Dr. Wheeler can discuss your symptoms, needs, and goals and determine if physical therapy is right for you.


Benefits of Telehealth Appointments

There are a lot of advantages to telehealth physical therapy, including:

  • Convenience 
  • Increased comfort and privacy
  • Reduced risk of exposure to other illnesses
  • Access to the same high-quality level of care as an in-person visit

When to Choose an In-Person Appointment Rather than Telehealth

Telehealth physical therapy allows you to get treatment when you need it, on your terms, in the comfort and privacy of your own home. However, there are times when it may be best to visit our office in-person. If you ever have a question about whether a virtual or in-person visit is best, feel free to call our office at (802) 424-1434 and ask! Here are examples of times you might seek in-person care rather than a telehealth appointment:

  • Your first visit with a new doctor
  • You have a condition or symptom that is hard to describe or see over video
  • You have new or worsening symptoms that need hands-on evaluation
  • You need blood tests, imaging, or other diagnostic testing

Our Other Services

If you don’t think that telehealth physical therapy is right for you, or if you want to create a hybrid experience of in-person visits with a physical therapist and occasional telehealth check-ups, contact us at Strong Oaks Physical Therapy. We strive to create a warm, welcoming environment in which patients can receive the care and attention they need, without getting a referral from a physician. In addition to telehealth physical therapy, we also offer in-person services :

  • Comprehensive Physical Assessment
  • Health Maintenance Treatment
  • Physical Therapy Evaluation and Treatment
  • Dry Needling Assessment and Treatment

Want to Learn More About Telehealth Physical Therapy? Call Us Today!

Are you curious about telehealth physical therapy and want to find out if it’s right for you? Call us today at Strong Oaks Physical Therapy. We offer convenient, thorough telehealth physical therapy in St. Johnsbury, VT. We also offer out of network treatment payment options for patients, and treatment packages, to try to make physical therapy and preventative care accessible to all. To learn more or to schedule an appointment, call us today at (802) 424-1434 or book an appointment online

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